Been a While!


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Manda Rasmussen-Clauson

It has been about 5 years since I last opened this account.  I guess some updates are well overdue.

Without going into all the messy details, I will keep things short.

Over the past 5 years I have been married, had a baby and am now divorced.  I have moved from Minnesota to Wisconsin.  While working hard, I have started not one -but two businesses; finished my Bachelor’s in Business and am now transitioning towards new goals in my life (which I am going to write alllllll about)!

The biggest thing I want to write about right now is 2020.  The year itself, presents big changes and never ending opportunity.  I have made a point to spend more time OFF-line than online.  Unfortunately, my job requires me to be online for work duties so I have adjusted my expectations to be as follows:

  • Limit Pass-Time on Social Media to only 30 minutes a day.
  • Delete Facebook App from cell phone
  • Work hours are strictly Monday through Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm with Friday as a make up day if/when needed.

Back in November is when I implemented all of this.  So far, so good.  I have REALLY enjoyed being offline.  Before the holidays I handmade all the gifts I gave out.

    Old School Skills

    Never before have I made a dream catcher, for the holidays I made 5.  Before 2019, I had never finished a crochet project (mainly because I only know how to do 2 stitches), but finished 2 scarves.  And I have not touched a sewing machine since 9th grade home-ec  (home economics) class, yet finished 4 beautiful aprons in addition to 4 small stone bags (not pictured).

    You may wonder why I am writing about being offline as I am blogging online.  Honestly, I type fast than I hand write ( with the benefit of spell check).  No, in all seriousness – I want to share with people the joys of being “old school”.  In no way shape or form am I professional at being old school, nor do I have a craft that is perfected.  However, it is my willingness to learn, make mistakes and try again that so many of us have lost.  Current and future generations are suffering from the lack of basic knowledge and skills our grandparents have.  I regret not learning more at a younger age, and am desperately trying to catch up.

    At the fresh age of 29 there are so many things that I don’t know how to do (yet).  To list a few, I want to learn how to:

    • grow and maintain an organic garden
    • can vegetables
    • hand stitch better for small/quick repairs
    •  learn additional crocheting techniques/stitches
    • Bake homemade bread from scratch without a bread-maker

    Dedicating more time offline and taking the time to learn these skills is extremely exciting to me.  Of course, as a work from home mom things get busy.


    Mom Life

    Running multiple businesses from home with a 2 year old and other children in our blended family, things are CRAZY busy.

    Between homeschooling for the first time, tutoring, working from home, daycare, taking care of the house and finding time for my friends as well as my self is a lot.  Nothing is perfect with what is going on but it is my life and I love it.

    As stated earlier, I try and have a routine.  It is about the only way I am able to find balance in my life.  Sticking with a schedule can be hard but for how I operate, it works the best.  Consistently I am trying to perfect the schedule, time management and work flow but that is life.  It is consistently changing.  What is it that they say?  Oh yes, ´we make plans and the Gods laugh at us´.  This is the statement of my life.


    I have only been out here since May 2019 but in less than a year I have build a life with Jamie that I never dreamed would happen.  Maybe I will go into details of our love story later but lets focus on the now.

    Jamie is such a hard working man.  He had no negative feelings of me staying home or working from home to save us on child care costs, in addition to the ability to home school his daughter.  The concept of being able to work from home was and has been an adventure in itself.  Jamie works 40 hour weeks and I typically pull in about 20-30 depending on the week.  We BOTH play our parts, which is so new and refreshing.


    Continuing On….

    So now that I am back in the groove of things, and have the drive to write again; join me on this journey we call life.

    Manda Rasmussen-Clauson

    Manda Rasmussen-Clauson

    Despite working in many different industries, she has a true passion of doing anything outside. Homesteading is becoming Manda’s new reality, she has much to learn but is excited to do so.


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