About Us



Manda was born & raised in North Central Minnesota and currently lives in Western Wisconsin with her family.  Despite working in many different industries, she has a true passion of doing anything outside.  Homesteading is becoming Manda’s new reality, she has much to learn but is excited to do so.  No matter where life takes her, Manda’s motto is to “live life to the fullest”.  Join her on this adventure we call life.



Born and raised in small town rural Minnesota, Hannah loved spending her time outdoors exploring the woods around her home and camping and fishing with family. As she grew older, she became interested in natural medicine and using resources from nature. Today, Hannah loves learning about foraging food and medicine, survival techniques, food preservation, and old-school homesteading skills. 

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me, an invincible winter.” – Albert Camus